New Covenant
Church of the Brethren

The ministry of New Covenant Church of the Brethren is continuing
and your continued tithe would be a blessing. Here's how:
1. The classic: write a check payable to New Covenant Church of the Brethren and mail it to P.O. Box 83, Gotha, FL 34734
2. The modern: use your online bill pay to send a check payable to New Covenant Church of the Brethren, P.O. Box 83, Gotha, FL 34734. With this method, you may be able to set up a payment schedule (monthly or weekly).
3. The Hi Tech: use your PayPal account to send gifts to the church using the congregation's account name: newcovbrethren@gmail.com
***Be sure to mark it "send to a friend" to avoid the church having to pay a fee to
receive. Note: for this method, you need to set up a PayPal account.